Some of our lighters are refillable while others are not. Please check the product page.
Use the steps below for most of our refillable lighters. Note that some refillable lighters might have different steps. Please contact us if you have any questions, and we will be happy to help you.
Step 1. Use standard butane refills containing premium butane. Impurity of the gas can cause clogging or malfunctioning of the burner valve.
Step 2. Set the flame height adjuster to the lowest setting using the screwdriver or adjustment wheel.
Step 3. Bleed the lighter by pushing the refill valve until no hissing sound is heard (if applicable). Hold the lighter in an upside-down position to avoid injecting air into the lighter.
Step 4. Shake the butane can and press its stem directly into the refill valve. A slight hiss indicates that fuel is transferring properly.
Step 5. Withdraw the nozzle as soon as spray back occurs, which indicates the lighter is full.
Step 6. Wait 3 to 4 minutes before igniting to let the butane reach room temperature. Re-calibrate the flame height adjuster.